Neuroradiology Imaging
The MRI scanner machine has latest brain imaging protocols & equipped with high density imaging coils & complete silence during MRI examination.
The team of Radiologists has vast experience & fellowships in the evaluation of brain and spine (Neuro-imaging) diseases.
Advanced Features
20 channel brain coil (first & highest density coil MRI scanner in central India).
Brain perfusion, perfusion mapping & 3D ASL.
Brain Vessel Wall Imaging.
3D Brain & Neck Angiography.
Diffusion Tractography Imaging (DTI / DKI)
Whole Sine Diffusion.
High Resolution MRI Brachial Plexus & Neurography.
3D contrast-enhanced MRA / MRV protocols. e.g. single step, dynamic, peripheral, whole body MRA with the shortest TR & TE.